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Copford Woodcraft Kitchens - Copford, Colchester

This business listing is involved in a credibility discussion. Contributions to the discussion are invited.
    [amenityid] => 637302
    [name] => Copford Woodcraft Kitchens
    [type] => Home improvement
    [subcat] => Kitchen Design and Installation
    [url] =>
    [address] => Array
            [adr1] => 91 London Road
            [adr2] => Colchester
            [adr3] => Copford
            [pc] => CO6 1LG
            [local] => Copford, Colchester
            [placeurl] => essex/marks_tey

    [lat] => 51.880511
    [lng] => 0.803529
    [country] => uk
    [listinguri] => /essex/marks_tey/home_improvement/copford_woodcraft_kitchens/meta
    [currenturi] => /essex/marks_tey/home_improvement/copford_woodcraft_kitchens/meta
    [placeandtypeurl] => essex/marks_tey/home_improvement
    [listingurl] => /essex/marks_tey/home_improvement/copford_woodcraft_kitchens
    [tel] => 01206 210545
    [opening_hours] => Array
            [headers_count] => 2
            [headers] => Array
                    [1] => 1
                    [2] => 2

            [remarks] => 
            [days_opening_hours] => Array
                    [1] => Array
                            [1] => 
                            [2] => 

                    [2] => Array
                            [1] => 
                            [2] => 

                    [3] => Array
                            [1] => 
                            [2] => 

                    [4] => Array
                            [1] => 
                            [2] => 

                    [5] => Array
                            [1] => 
                            [2] => 

                    [6] => Array
                            [1] => 
                            [2] => 

                    [7] => Array
                            [1] => 
                            [2] => 



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            [live_biz_reviews] => 1702469446

    [cacheregen] => Array
            [live_app_reviews] => 8640
            [live_app_menu] => 8640
            [live_app_events] => 4320

    [apps] => Array
            [all] => Array
                    [reviews] => includes/apps/reviews.php
                    [car_parking_atms] => includes/apps/car_parking_atms.php
                    [meta] => includes/apps/meta.php
                    [maps] => includes/apps/maps.php
                    [queue] => includes/apps/queue.php
                    [accounts] => includes/apps/accounts.php

            [live] => Array
                    [0] => reviews
                    [1] => menu
                    [2] => events

